Friday, February 10, 2006

„THE e - mail Day.”


„THE e - mila day.”


We invite You to take a part and co-create The email day. This new media celebration is planed to have educational, informative, and international implication.

Due to enter the site it would be soon enough just to write the address:

E-mail and its symbol @ (at-commonly called in Poland monkey) is the most popular logo of the World Wide Web.

To rise the social awareness is the aim of all kinds of media and enterprises. The email day can be the best proof of solidarity of specialists from different areas who wish to improve interpersonal communication and knowledge among the internet users.

Today for may Poles internet is the main source of information from different fields.

„The email day” inauguration aims.:
- Popularization of the internet communication as faster, more precise, more economic.
- Popularization of the information accessibility through the computer technologies and global world wide web.

- Promotion of the best software and hardware solutions for this medium
- Promotion of the best computer enterprises creating net solutions.
- Reminding the most important net communication information.
Popularization of the educational and learning capabilities.
- Promotion of the new technologies end solutions.
- Promotion of the medium itself.
- Popularization the rules of safe using internet tools and the best tool selection.
- Scheme of the event program:

We will begin the event from the special internet site setup the 20.11.2005. It will be used for „The email day” promotion and also for every day chat on the subject, competitions and poles. The internet competition in several different categories will be announced. One of the categories will be :”How email has changed my life.”

Michał Skrobot architect and traveler has introduced the first project of the statuette. The final version will be made of fine materials with engraved signs. It will be the price for winners of the plebiscite in the following categories:

* www address
* internet post client
* internet provider
* mobile post
* the best www hardware
* modern net service auctions, banks, shopping
* others

The event will be finalized by a press conference during which the contests and plebiscites results will be announced. The golden statuettes will be handed over as well. It will take place on November 27th in the biggest Warsaw internet cafe.

We would like to prove that internet can not only be used for fun but also to learn and communicate with other people. We would also like to warn about dangers in internet. We plan to inform about the benefits of the net solutions, best software, electronic sign and present ability of the information searching.

Many specialists from different areas will take part in The Mail Day celebration - the every day net users. Their performance and net users conversation will support the Idea and give medial power. Knowledge transmitted during the internet contacts will help to inform potential users about the e-society solutions.

During the internet chats the it following subjects will be touched:

- electronic sign
- Blind people email
- Internet communication influence for society
- Safe email, SSL protocol
- Internet marketing and SPAM
- Modern marketing service
- E-department

We plan that news from the event will take a place in many different TV broadcasts like PANORAMA by TV2, WOT, POLSAT, TVN. There is also a possibility to organize an extensive report by one of the bigger broadcast station.

The present Miss Poland Ms Malwina Ratajczak have promised us to visit the event.

We hope that many of You will enjoy the idea.

Yours Sincerely
Organizing Committee
The "Dzień-e-mail Team

The Event is patronized with honor by the e-mail father.

Raymond S. Tomlinson (born 1941) – American engineer and programist Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute graduate, known as the internet email inventor and the creator of the @ sign that is used in email addressees; winner of the George R. Stibitz Computer Pioneer Award that is given by American Computer Museum April 2000.
Tomlinson was working as en engineer in Bolt Beranek and Newman enterprise in 1971, that won a contract for construction the ARPANET system. Working on the possibilities of using the ARPANET Mr. Tomlinson got an idea to join the internal communicating software with another transferring software. He has first used there @ sign to divide the address and the user name.
The exact date of sending the first email message it is still unknown. However its is said to take place between 1971 and 1972, the most probable date is October or November 1971. It is not sure that the first sign was „QWERTY” neither. Mr. Tomlinson says that it was something like that - meaning the accidental character of the email.

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